Maple Messenger – Winter Edition 2024
The Latest Edition of Maple Messenger is Here! 📰✨ Welcome to the newest edition…
It is the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the children in our school. SMSC is an integral part of a child’s education. It helps them to develop into aspirational, respectful individuals who will be prepared to live full active lives in their communities, as adults.
SMSC at Maple Court is a golden thread throughout the academy which underpins all curriculum subjects and feeds into all aspects of academy life. This is not a separate subject that is taught explicitly but an aspect of learning that is present around our school; evident in lessons and behaviour in school. It is the over-arching umbrella that encompasses our children’s personal development. We all have a duty to shape the character, values, attitude and overall development of the next generation. As an academy, we offer thoughtful and wide-ranging opportunities and experiences to develop our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This subject contributes significantly to our aim of developing the whole pupil. It is evidenced within children’s books, through the class floor books, within their learning and lessons and through our range of curricular offer opportunities. Some lessons lend themselves more easily to direct SMSC development such as PSHE and RE. We also aim to develop SMSC through assemblies, behaviour expectations and our attitudes in school.
We have developed an ethos in which all of our children can grow and flourish, respect others and be respected: accommodating difference and respecting the integrity of individuals.
Opportunities to enrich our children’s spiritual development include:
These can occur during any part of the academy day, e.g. when listening to music, discussing the care needed for animals, exercising empathy or creativity, how we live, contemplating the future, etc.
At Maple Court Academy we believe that a morally aware pupil will develop a wide range of skills. These can include the following:
Teachers always discuss rules with their classes for the classroom based on the values held by the academy. We teach the children to be aware of their own actions, take responsibility for their own bodies and encourage independence. We will help the children to identify their feelings and think these through so that they are expressed in behaviour that is socially acceptable. This is done through whole school and class-based assemblies, circle time, Social Skills groups and PSHE/Circle Time sessions. We endeavour to raise their self-esteem through praise, stickers, certificates and other means that highlight both academic and social achievements.
Children should be made aware of the diversity of other cultures both within modern Britain and throughout the world. This is done through music, PE, art and many other curriculum areas. Children explore important events and history in Britain such as the anniversary of World Wars, annual Remembrance Day activities and the lives of significant historical figures. They also have strong links with Parliament and democracy throughout the academy and lots of opportunity to further their learning.
As well as developing and promoting the SMSC values, we also promote the following fundamental British values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
We are proud to say we have recently been awarded the Silver SMSC Quality Mark recognising our work in this area.
At Maple Court, we create an environment based upon trust and respect that is a safe, secure and happy place for children to learn, grow and develop.
Maple Court Academy delivers a high-quality and rich educational experience for pupils from Nursery to Year 6.
Here you can find a collection of our latest news. We aim to keep all stakeholders as up-to-date as possible.
The Latest Edition of Maple Messenger is Here! 📰✨ Welcome to the newest edition…
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