1. The remote curriculum: what is taught to students at home.

2. Remote teaching and study time each day.

3. Accessing remote education.

4. Engagement and feedback

5. Additional support for students with particular needs

Who is this intended for?

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home or individual students need to self-isolate.

1. The remote curriculum: what is taught to students at home.

A student’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of students being sent home?

If a student is sent home from the Academy to self-isolate, they will be given an exercise book to complete work in. They will also be asked whether they have appropriate IT access to allow them to take part in live lessons and to complete remote Learning.

Remote Learning provision for whole classes/years who are sent home:

From the first full day of isolation students can expect to get their full timetable of lessons, minus KS3 Dance and PE. The work for these lessons will be accessed in one of the following ways:

  • Live lessons will be delivered through MS Teams and will follow the students’ regular timetable.
  • Assignments and class work will be uploaded to their class Team in MS Teams.

Remote Learning provision for individual students who are sent home to self-isolate:

  • Classwork will be uploaded to Satchel One. Students will have access to the lesson PowerPoints that are being delivered by their class teacher and will be asked to submit their work through Satchel One.
  • Students should follow their regular timetable for lessons.

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in the academy?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in the academy wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in KS3 Dance and PE students do not have access to live lessons but can access links to online videos. There is still some extra-curricular provision for dance students.

2. Remote teaching and study time each day

How long can I expect work set by the academy to take my child each day?

Remote Learning provision for whole classes/years who are sent home:

In KS3 and KS4 students will follow their full timetable (minus the exceptions noted above). They will have access to live lessons and these will be between 45-50 minutes long. We encourage students to use the 10-15 minutes between lessons, as well as break and lunchtimes, to move away from their computer screens, to take some exercise and to stay hydrated.

Remote Learning provision for individual students who are sent home to self-isolate:

In KS3 and KS4 students will follow their full timetable. Lessons through Satchel One should take students between 30-45 minutes. There will be no KS3 Dance or PE provision, but students should spend time during these sessions away from their computer screens and take part in some physical exercise to maintain a healthy life style.

3. Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

The two main platforms that we will use to provide students with online education are:

  • Satchel One
  • MS Teams

Students should use their academy log in details for both of these applications. In addition, staff will also direct students, where appropriate, to use Educake, Heggarty Maths, LEXIA and other online tools where appropriate.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

The Academy has the provision to provide laptops and dongles for students who do not have access to remote education from home. For all IT support and enquiries, parents / carers should contact the Academy either by calling 01782 882700 or accessing the IT support area of the website.

The Academy Engagement Team will monitor attendance and submissions for remote learning and contact home if there is further support needed.

4. Engagement And Feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

We expect that any student working from home should complete all lessons on whichever platform they are working. Students will be completing 5 lessons on most days and will need to submit work to their teacher either via Satchel One or via MS Teams.

Parents / carers need to be check that their child can access the work set – ideally somewhere quiet where they can concentrate whilst completing lessons. Also, it is essential for well-being that enough time is spent away from the screen and that there is enough physical activity in the day.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

If students are working on Satchel One it is easy for parents to check what work has been submitted and also to see the feedback a teacher has given as parents have access to this app and have a login. It is also possible to message a teacher directly through this app if a parent has any concerns.

Students working on MS Teams will be expected to attend every live lesson which will be at the normal timetabled time for the lesson. A register will be taken on Satchel one and parents will be able to see whether their child attended the lesson and also see the register score for effort and any comments the teacher has made through the app.

If there are concerns about the amount of work being submitted / the engagement of your child the academy will contact you in the first instance by text to inform you about the concern. If there is no improvement you will be contacted by phone to try to ensure that your child does not fall behind with their learning.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on student work is as follows:

Methods used to assess students’ work in live lessons:

  • Quizzes using MS Forms
  • Educake / Heggarty Maths
  • Assessment for Learning activities including use of online whole class feedback applications

Methods used to assess students’ submitted work:

Staff will either ask students to submit work via Satchel One or MS Teams Assignments. Regardless of whether students are independently self-isolating, or the whole class is self-isolating, the feedback is the same as when they are in the academy. Students will receive feedback within 5 days of submitting work. This will be in the form of a comment that will tell the student what they need to do to improve. There may be an additional question posed or activity that they are directed to complete. Any work that is submitted to staff will be acknowledged within 24 hours of submission.

5. Additional support for students with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some students, for example some students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those students in the following ways:

  • Key workers who work alongside students in lessons, will contact those students who are self-isolating to check on their engagement, wellbeing and ability to access the learning.
  • Key workers will, where necessary, attend the lessons that are being missed and feedback information and understanding to students at home.
  • Subject Teachers will make adaptations to their lessons and lesson material in line with student passports.

Pupil expectation/code of conduct for remote learning

Rules regarding technology:

  • I will only use school technology for school purposes as directed by my teacher.
  • I will only take part in ‘live’ streaming if an adult knows that I am doing it.
  • I will not reveal my passwords to anyone.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour and actions when using technology (Microsoft
    Teams and Other interactive applications), this includes the resources I access and the language I use.
  • I will make sure that all my communication with students, teachers or others using
    technology is responsible and sensible.
  • I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be
    considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will
    report it immediately to my teacher or my parent.
  • I will not share resources or videos created by my teachers with anyone who is not a pupil or member of staff at Excel academy
  • I will not record or take photos of my classmates or teachers during a face-to-face
  • I will not share any school content on social media platforms
  • I understand that when using Microsoft Teams and other applications provided by the school that my use can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
  • If audio/video conferencing is used, I understand that this will be recorded by the
    teacher only in order for this to be forwarded to any pupil who missed the live
  • I will continue to follow the rules regarding my use of technology as outlined in the
    school’s Pupil Acceptable User Agreement which can be found in the school homework planner.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to help keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied and my parent may be contacted.

When participating in a live lesson on Microsoft Teams, or any other video conferencing software, remember that this is an extension of the classroom and you should conduct yourself as you would when on your best behaviour in a classroom.

This includes:

• Be on time for your live lesson
• Be dressed appropriately for learning (e.g. no pyjamas)
• Remain attentive during sessions
• Interact patiently and respectfully with your teachers and peers
• Provide feedback to teachers about your experiences and any relevant suggestions
• You may choose to blur your camera or even have it switched off
• You will stay muted and only unmute when your teacher gives you permission
• You MUST NOT record each other’s online interactions. This will be done by the
• Make sure you end the session as soon as the teacher indicates to do so and do not
stay in the session after the teacher has left.
• Any deliberate disruption of live lessons will be treated very seriously by school and
could result in you being barred from taking part in further live lessons.

Follow the steps below to access Microsoft Teams using any modern games console as an alternative method of remote learning during times of Lockdown.

General Info

1. The remote curriculum: what is taught to students at home.

2. Remote teaching and study time each day.

3. Accessing remote education.

4. Engagement and feedback

5. Additional support for students with particular needs

Who is this intended for?

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home or individual students need to self-isolate.

1. The remote curriculum: what is taught to students at home.

A student’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of students being sent home?

If a student is sent home from the Academy to self-isolate, they will be given an exercise book to complete work in. They will also be asked whether they have appropriate IT access to allow them to take part in live lessons and to complete remote Learning.

Remote Learning provision for whole classes/years who are sent home:

From the first full day of isolation students can expect to get their full timetable of lessons, minus KS3 Dance and PE. The work for these lessons will be accessed in one of the following ways:

  • Live lessons will be delivered through MS Teams and will follow the students’ regular timetable.
  • Assignments and class work will be uploaded to their class Team in MS Teams.

Remote Learning provision for individual students who are sent home to self-isolate:

  • Classwork will be uploaded to Satchel One. Students will have access to the lesson PowerPoints that are being delivered by their class teacher and will be asked to submit their work through Satchel One.
  • Students should follow their regular timetable for lessons.

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in the academy?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in the academy wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in KS3 Dance and PE students do not have access to live lessons but can access links to online videos. There is still some extra-curricular provision for dance students.

2. Remote teaching and study time each day

How long can I expect work set by the academy to take my child each day?

Remote Learning provision for whole classes/years who are sent home:

In KS3 and KS4 students will follow their full timetable (minus the exceptions noted above). They will have access to live lessons and these will be between 45-50 minutes long. We encourage students to use the 10-15 minutes between lessons, as well as break and lunchtimes, to move away from their computer screens, to take some exercise and to stay hydrated.

Remote Learning provision for individual students who are sent home to self-isolate:

In KS3 and KS4 students will follow their full timetable. Lessons through Satchel One should take students between 30-45 minutes. There will be no KS3 Dance or PE provision, but students should spend time during these sessions away from their computer screens and take part in some physical exercise to maintain a healthy life style.

3. Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

The two main platforms that we will use to provide students with online education are:

  • Satchel One
  • MS Teams

Students should use their academy log in details for both of these applications. In addition, staff will also direct students, where appropriate, to use Educake, Heggarty Maths, LEXIA and other online tools where appropriate.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

The Academy has the provision to provide laptops and dongles for students who do not have access to remote education from home. For all IT support and enquiries, parents / carers should contact the Academy either by calling 01782 882700 or accessing the IT support area of the website.

The Academy Engagement Team will monitor attendance and submissions for remote learning and contact home if there is further support needed.

4. Engagement And Feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

We expect that any student working from home should complete all lessons on whichever platform they are working. Students will be completing 5 lessons on most days and will need to submit work to their teacher either via Satchel One or via MS Teams.

Parents / carers need to be check that their child can access the work set – ideally somewhere quiet where they can concentrate whilst completing lessons. Also, it is essential for well-being that enough time is spent away from the screen and that there is enough physical activity in the day.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

If students are working on Satchel One it is easy for parents to check what work has been submitted and also to see the feedback a teacher has given as parents have access to this app and have a login. It is also possible to message a teacher directly through this app if a parent has any concerns.

Students working on MS Teams will be expected to attend every live lesson which will be at the normal timetabled time for the lesson. A register will be taken on Satchel one and parents will be able to see whether their child attended the lesson and also see the register score for effort and any comments the teacher has made through the app.

If there are concerns about the amount of work being submitted / the engagement of your child the academy will contact you in the first instance by text to inform you about the concern. If there is no improvement you will be contacted by phone to try to ensure that your child does not fall behind with their learning.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms are also valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on student work is as follows:

Methods used to assess students’ work in live lessons:

  • Quizzes using MS Forms
  • Educake / Heggarty Maths
  • Assessment for Learning activities including use of online whole class feedback applications

Methods used to assess students’ submitted work:

Staff will either ask students to submit work via Satchel One or MS Teams Assignments. Regardless of whether students are independently self-isolating, or the whole class is self-isolating, the feedback is the same as when they are in the academy. Students will receive feedback within 5 days of submitting work. This will be in the form of a comment that will tell the student what they need to do to improve. There may be an additional question posed or activity that they are directed to complete. Any work that is submitted to staff will be acknowledged within 24 hours of submission.

5. Additional support for students with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some students, for example some students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those students in the following ways:

  • Key workers who work alongside students in lessons, will contact those students who are self-isolating to check on their engagement, wellbeing and ability to access the learning.
  • Key workers will, where necessary, attend the lessons that are being missed and feedback information and understanding to students at home.
  • Subject Teachers will make adaptations to their lessons and lesson material in line with student passports.
Live Lesson Code Of Conduct

Pupil expectation/code of conduct for remote learning

Rules regarding technology:

  • I will only use school technology for school purposes as directed by my teacher.
  • I will only take part in ‘live’ streaming if an adult knows that I am doing it.
  • I will not reveal my passwords to anyone.
  • I will be responsible for my behaviour and actions when using technology (Microsoft
    Teams and Other interactive applications), this includes the resources I access and the language I use.
  • I will make sure that all my communication with students, teachers or others using
    technology is responsible and sensible.
  • I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be
    considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will
    report it immediately to my teacher or my parent.
  • I will not share resources or videos created by my teachers with anyone who is not a pupil or member of staff at Excel academy
  • I will not record or take photos of my classmates or teachers during a face-to-face
  • I will not share any school content on social media platforms
  • I understand that when using Microsoft Teams and other applications provided by the school that my use can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
  • If audio/video conferencing is used, I understand that this will be recorded by the
    teacher only in order for this to be forwarded to any pupil who missed the live
  • I will continue to follow the rules regarding my use of technology as outlined in the
    school’s Pupil Acceptable User Agreement which can be found in the school homework planner.
  • I understand that these rules are designed to help keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied and my parent may be contacted.

When participating in a live lesson on Microsoft Teams, or any other video conferencing software, remember that this is an extension of the classroom and you should conduct yourself as you would when on your best behaviour in a classroom.

This includes:

• Be on time for your live lesson
• Be dressed appropriately for learning (e.g. no pyjamas)
• Remain attentive during sessions
• Interact patiently and respectfully with your teachers and peers
• Provide feedback to teachers about your experiences and any relevant suggestions
• You may choose to blur your camera or even have it switched off
• You will stay muted and only unmute when your teacher gives you permission
• You MUST NOT record each other’s online interactions. This will be done by the
• Make sure you end the session as soon as the teacher indicates to do so and do not
stay in the session after the teacher has left.
• Any deliberate disruption of live lessons will be treated very seriously by school and
could result in you being barred from taking part in further live lessons.

Home Learning Through A Games Console

Follow the steps below to access Microsoft Teams using any modern games console as an alternative method of remote learning during times of Lockdown.

Pupils thrive and learn well at Maple Court Academy.

| Ofsted 2023

Why Maple?

At Maple Court, we create an environment based upon trust and respect that is a safe, secure and happy place for children to learn, grow and develop.

Our Curriculum

Maple Court Academy delivers a high-quality and rich educational experience for pupils from Nursery to Year 6.

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We use ClassDojo

ClassDojo is a global community of more than 50 million teachers and families who come together to share kids’ most important learning moments, in school and at home—through photos, videos, messages, and more.

We use IRIS ParentMail

All of our Academy information at your fingertips. Keeping track of school activities and news as well as endless forms to complete and things to pay for.

You can download IRIS ParentMail from the below links.

If you require a paper copy of any of the pages / documents published on this website, please click here and complete the form stating which page(s) / document(s) you require along with your name and address.