Head of Academy / Safeguarding – Mrs L Bourne
Inclusion / Safeguarding – Mrs S Gwilt
Family Support Worker – Mrs C Bratby

At Maple Court Academy, we want all of our pupils to feel safe and happy in school.
Our school’s child-friendly definition of bullying is:
Bullying is hurting someone physically or emotionally Several Times On Purpose – STOP Bullying!

We help our pupils by: 

  • Helping them to know what bullying is 
  • Sharing what children should do if they feel like they are being bullied, or if someone else is being bullied 
  • Teaching them who they can go to if they need support or someone to talk to 
  • Being there to support our pupils to make things better 

What we do in school: 

Every year we support our pupils by taking part in the national Anti-bullying Week. During this week, our pupils learn about the different types of bullying, what they should do if they feel like they are being targeted and whom they can talk to. 

Throughout the year, we have various assemblies and themed days linked to online safety, bullying, friendships and our academy values, which all underpin and support our pupils with being good role models and with their understanding of what bullying is. 

Who can help you in school? 

Mrs L Bourne– Head of Academy / Safeguarding 

Mrs S Gwilt – Inclusion / Safeguarding 

Mrs C Bratby – Family Support Worker 

Your Class Teacher 

Another adult you trust 

Types of unwelcome acts of bullying include: 

  • Physical – hitting, kicking, tripping up, pinching, pushing or damaging property
  • Verbal – name calling, insults, teasing, ‘jokes’, mocking, taunting, gossiping, secrets and threats.
  • Non-verbal – staring, body language, gestures, posturing.
  • Indirect – excluding / leaving people out, spreading rumours and stories, emails, chat rooms, messaging phones, notes, making rude gestures or faces.
  • Racist – name calling, or negative comments about race, culture or religion
  • Online bullying or Cyberbullying – any of those actions above that take place online through digital devices e.g., mobile phones, computers and tablets. 

What can parents do to support us? 

“Follow the Three Step Parents and Carers Guide to Reporting Bullying with Confidence.”

  1. Is it bullying?

Bullying is “Behaviour by an individual or a group, usually repeated over time that intentionally hurts another individual either physically or emotionally.”

  1. What should I do? We expect parents to:

Inform the school of any suspected bullying even if it’s not their child. – Encourage their child to report bullying to a member of staff. – Inform their child not to retaliate through violence in any situation. – If their child has been accused of bullying, work in partnership with the school and listen to the evidence.

  1. What happens next? We will:

Listen and take time to talk to children who disclose bullying, take what they say seriously and investigate the situation. – Report back to parents/carers regarding their concerns about bullying as quickly as possible. – Use a variety of techniques to resolve the issues between those who bully and those who have been bullied.

Pupil Voice:

EYFS Pupil

“We must be kind to everyone.”                                                                                                                                             

KS1 Pupil

“If someone is playing by themselves, it is kind to ask to play with them.”

LKS2 Pupil

“If we think there is bullying, we tell an adult and don’t keep it inside because it will keep getting worse.”

UKS2 Pupil

“We keep ourselves save online by not talking to strangers or sharing our personal details. If we do this accidently, we must tell someone.”

Pupils thrive and learn well at Maple Court Academy.

| Ofsted 2023

Why Maple?

At Maple Court, we create an environment based upon trust and respect that is a safe, secure and happy place for children to learn, grow and develop.

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