Maple Messenger – Winter Edition 2024
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The DfE states that there is a need: “To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.“
At the beginning of each academic year, the election of the Junior Leadership Team is a whole school event, with the children who wish to stand for the JLT giving a speech in assembly and each class voting on the members. This team have roles linked to the Senior Leadership Team and are the means through which the Senior Leadership Team involve the children in decision making at the academy.
All children are given the opportunity to have a say in a wide range of decisions both in their own classes and across wider academy life. For example, each class has their own election for their School Council member and book doctors, reflecting our British electoral system and demonstrating democracy in action. Council Children also participate in whole academy decisions, for example deciding on new playground equipment, changes to the delivery of homework and gathering the thoughts of the rest of the school via questionnaires.
Children are also taught about democracy in their PSHE lessons and through events such as Local Democracy week and visits into the academy by the Lord Mayor. We hold a whole school Democracy week in September when all children learn about the democratic system and we also celebrate UK Parliament Week in November each year.
As soon as children join Maple Court Academy, they are taught the academy rules and understand that these are necessary in order to keep our academy a safe and happy place for everyone. All children at Maple Court follow the same rules, and through our behaviour system, the children are taught the importance of following rules to allow us all to learn in a safe and ordered environment. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind the laws and rules that govern and protect us and the responsibilities and consequences that go along with these. This simple and straightforward system prepares children for their future in education and wider society. The Junior Leadership Team undertake their role in upholding and promoting the rules of the academy very seriously. This message is reinforced through PSHE, assemblies and visits, for example Crucial Crew, local police and fire officers.
At Maple Court we value everyone as an individual, and we encourage all children to make their own choices from the moment they join our academy family. We encourage the children to take the lead in their learning and children are actively encouraged to make their own choices in a safe and supportive environment. Some examples of the choices that children are encouraged to make are the extracurricular clubs they will participate in. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour and are encouraged to make the right choices. Through PSHE lessons, SRE education and E-safety lessons children are taught about their individual rights and choices and how to exercise these safely.
One of the core values of our academy is Moral with the key behaviour of ‘be respectful’ and this underpins everything that we do at Maple Court. Children are taught the importance of respect and understand that respect should be shown to everyone. Respect for everyone is continually reiterated throughout teaching and learning, assemblies and day to day interactions. It is accepted by all staff and children that respect is at the heart of everything we do. Through the RE and PSHE curriculum, children are taught about different cultures and ways of life and develop an understanding and respect for these differences. Children are encouraged to discuss these differences between people including faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and differences in family situations. Throughout the academy, there is a strong focus on assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying and we actively challenge any pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values.
At Maple Court, we create an environment based upon trust and respect that is a safe, secure and happy place for children to learn, grow and develop.
Maple Court Academy delivers a high-quality and rich educational experience for pupils from Nursery to Year 6.
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The Latest Edition of Maple Messenger is Here! 📰✨ Welcome to the newest edition…
Cracking Down on Illegal E-Scooter Use: An Important Operation for Safety This week marks the…
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