Science at Maple Court Academy

Subject Leader: Miss Silvester and Miss Aslam 


Here at Maple Court we believe science develops children’s interest and curiosity in the world in which we live in, in order to inspire them to be successful in an increasingly scientific and technological world. In order to this, we ensure that: 

  • Science is taught through discrete topics which covers the National Curriculum outcomes and shows clear progression. 
  • Children understand and use scientific vocabulary. 
  • Children actively participate in a range of hands on, rich learning experiences both in and out of school. 
  • Children ask and answer questions through research and develop their own ideas and investigations. 
  • Children recap and revisit learning from previous years. 
  • Science is linked to real life experiences. 

The Subject Leader

As Science lead at Maple Court Academy, my role is to lead, develop and support Science across the Academy in relevant and innovative ways. I ensure that all teachers have the subject knowledge, skills, resources and confidence to deliver engaging and challenging lessons so that science is taught consistently across the school. I also work collaboratively within our trust schools, which includes both primary and secondary sectors to ensure progression throughout our trust. Science has always been a huge passion of mine and I began my journey at University where I gained my teaching degree along with specialism in Science 

The Curriculum

The objectives for Science in KS1 and KS2 are contained within the national curriculum.


In Nursery and Reception, children are given the chance to explore and observe the world around them and are encouraged to ask questions. They have the opportunity to observe real life events like the hatching of our duckling eggs and the life cycle of the caterpillars as they turn to butterflies.

Assessment for learning

As a school, we conduct a range of both formative and summative assessments on a regular basis, in order to gain a clear picture of the children’s understanding, progress and next steps for learning. At the end of each science unit children complete a test paper to reflect on children’s understanding of the unit 

Pupil voice

‘I do science at home – I found acorns and yellows leaves when I was with my mum.’​ – Year 1

‘Science is about discovering the world we live in’ – Year 2

‘Science is understanding the world we live in by experimenting.’ – Year 3

‘I like to do science experiments at home. Me and my mum made bubbles using socks, dish, soap and water’ – Year 4

‘Teachers want us to find answers for ourselves’ – Year 5

‘In science, we observe and discover the world we live in. It informs us about the world’ – Year 6

‘I loved making the bath bombs – I put them in my bath at home and I loved the rainbow we made with the kitchen roll absorbing the food colouring.’ – Science Club

Science Curriculum Documents

Pupils thrive and learn well at Maple Court Academy.

| Ofsted 2023

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At Maple Court, we create an environment based upon trust and respect that is a safe, secure and happy place for children to learn, grow and develop.

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